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statement on Coronavirus

Because of the growing situation surrounding COVID-19 around the world and here in Howard County we'd like to share Greentown Wesleyan's response.

Here's what we're doing:

TRUSTING GOD: Disease happens. It is part of the biological world we live in. Like every risk that is involved in living in the physical world we are in, we will do our best to keep a healthy perspective and avoid panic. Faith in God means we trust Him to provide for us, sustain us and protect us. Scripture tells us that "The righteous will live by faith." We trust the Lord in all trouble and choose to live on purpose as a testimony to the power of Jesus.


PRAYING: We are praying for the sick, for the public health workers, for doctors, nurses, researchers, caregivers, and for those people that are scared. Prayer works because it invites the presence of God into our lives and world.


STAYING INFORMED: There is a lot of information flying around right now. Facebook, Tweeter, Print, Television, and whatever other rumors you might have heard can become a distraction from truth if we aren't careful. We are choosing to listen to the most reliable information and direction we can.

          -CDC on COVID-19: The United States Center for Disease Control

            has the latest information here.


          -Managing Anxiety Around Coronavirus Coverage: The American

            Psychological Association created this resource.


          -Addressing Mental Health Issues: The Mental Health and

            Psychosocial Support Network created this resource.


BEING RESPONSIBLE AND PREPARED: The daycare staff and church cleaning service are making sure surfaces and areas of the church are cleaned regularly and thoroughly. We are careful every flu season and are being extra mindful right now.


1. Pray for our community and the people around us that are affected and for those who are scared. Pray for the people working to care for and treat those who are affected. Pray that God would protect those who are most vulnerable to illness during this time of year.


2. Model Jesus and be the Church. With all the anxiety and uncertainty that some people might be feeling, remember that we have the hope, faith, purpose, love and life though Jesus Christ that the world needs the most. Show the world through your faith in Him and your love for them what being a Christian is really about.


3. Wash your hands often. Bring some hand sanitizer with you. Be mindful of what you are touching. Give people some space; wave if you aren't comfortable hugging or shaking hands. If you are sick, stay home and listen to our sermon online, or find a service online or on television.


4. In the midst of all of this, don't forget the mission. We are here to give all people the best opportunity to meet, follow and serve Jesus.

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